my time running out
i find inspiration, act
freer in shackles
wave splash over feet
up to calves chest chin, retreats
leaves me somewhere new
i climb apple trees
on windy cliffs for portions
which don’t sustain me
summer, kiss the sun
sun kisses back, red then brown
skin fades into fall
dip tongue in new stream
taste sweet water you’ve not known
settle on its bank
simple mystery
silent letters give meaning
said but not spoken
stone sprouts mossy beard
rocks bedded next to river
move only in flood
bee finds thousand blooms
bright flowers unrelated
all sharing pollen
flowers dance in breeze
shedding petals wafting scent
i pick my pleasure
ceiling moves slowly
shadows dance around texture
sun dies outside blinds
tall pile of laundry
sloped as kilimanjaro
going commando
red and shadows dance
projecting hell on my walls
i close my blinds, sleep
vegetables rot
chicken thighs waste in the fridge
brain flits body wanes
clouds beneath the moon
yellow light filters through, shy
bold in sudden break
wake long after sun
day urgent outside window
i’ll finish this book